================================================ Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] and i thought my life was boring... From: "Lee Reed" To: Date: Tue 27 Jan 2004 01:42:02 -0500 ================================================ missy, i'm sorry that the trial went so badly...i know that it was tough on your daughter and your family too...i'd give you a great big hug if i could...it's too bad that it's not what you know but who you know...prayers and love for you all.... Lee >From: MeTLMaDNS@aol.com >Reply-To: The New Improved Less Lame List >To: creed-discuss@debbir.com >Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] and i thought my life was boring... >Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 09:18:32 EST > >Hi everyone, don't really want to, or have any interest right now. This is >very hard for me to say but my daughters trial was fucking bullshit (we >come >from a very small area) and needless to say that pedophile got off all they >did >was lie on the stand. he had 3 18 yr. old girls testify. We believe and >have >heard that his prominent family knew ppl on the jury. the thing is that he >ADMITTED it to me and Hoverer and that I CANNOT get over because I know the >truth >and he is know 5 min away from us. We have a lot of issues to work thru as >a >family, and no faith in our justice system Eventually we will write letters >to >the govt and newspapers about the non-rights of rape victims and the law, >but >the PA rape coalition advised us against it for the moment >Sorry I'm not positive right now, but wanted to let ya all know I'm still >here. >Missy >In a message dated 1/24/2004 12:11:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, >creedyrn4ever@hotmail.com writes: >and it really boils down to it IS sosdd...but what's happened to this >list? ok, i'm howard dean and i'm yelling to GET EVERYONE AWAKE AND >INVOLVED HERE! hmmm > > >To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, >visit: >http://www.debbir.com/lists/Creed-discuss.htm >To submit your profile, visit: >http://www.creedlisters.com/profile/submit.asp >To view List member Profiles, visit: >http://www.creedlisters.com _________________________________________________________________ Find high-speed ‘net deals — comparison-shop your local providers here. https://broadband.msn.com To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, visit: http://www.debbir.com/lists/Creed-discuss.htm To submit your profile, visit: http://www.creedlisters.com/profile/submit.asp To view List member Profiles, visit: http://www.creedlisters.com